Server Side Includes in Shared Hosting
Server Side Includes is available on our progressive cloud hosting platform, so regardless of the shared hosting plan that you choose, it's possible to utilize this function making your website a lot more dynamic. All you need to do is going to be set up a file called .htaccess in the home folder for the domain or subdomain in which you wish to use SSI and include a handful of lines of code inside. You won't require any kind of coding skills though, as you're able to just copy the necessary code from our help section, or our tech support team can help you activate SSI for a given website. You just need to customize the extension of the html file that will use Server Side Includes to .shtml and make sure that all of the links to those pages on the site are correct.
Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Servers
When you get a semi-dedicated server plan with us, it is possible to enable Server Side Includes with a few mouse clicks and for every domain or subdomain of your choice. We've got a comprehensive Help article on the subject you could find in your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. All you need to activate Server Side Includes will be to copy a number of lines from the article within an .htaccess file that you ought to set up in the main folder of the domain/subdomain and you'll be ready to go. You should just be sure that all files implementing SSI have the proper extension i.e. .shtml, not .html, and that the links on your site are modified and lead to the already renamed files.