Varnish is a web accelerator platform, which caches information for the sake of faster response times. It is occasionally referred to as a caching HTTP reverse proxy too and it works between a web server and its users. When a visitor accesses a specific web page, its content is requested by the browser, and then the server handles this browser request and delivers the needed content. If Varnish is activated for a particular website, it will cache the pages on the first visit and in case the user visits a cached page again, the content will be delivered by the accelerator platform instead of the web server. The improved load speed is an end result of the substantially faster response time that Varnish offers compared with any web server software. Of course, this does not mean that the site visitors will continue seeing the same content again and again, because any modification on any of the pages is reflected in the content that Varnish caches in its system memory.

Varnish in Shared Hosting

Varnish is available as an optional upgrade with each shared hosting plan and if you’d like to use it, you can add it to your shared web hosting account through the Upgrades section in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. There are two separate things that can be upgraded – the number of instances and the system memory. The first one pertains to the number of the sites that you’d like to use Varnish for, whereas the second, which comes in increments of 32 MB, refers to the total amount of content that the platform can cache at any given time. The Hepsia Control Panel’s simple-to-use interface will allow you to disable or to reboot any instance, to check exhaustive system logs or to get rid of the platform’s cache with just one click. For best results, you can employ a dedicated IP for the sites that will use the caching platform. With Varnish, your Internet site will load considerably faster, meaning more satisfied visitors and potential customers.

Varnish in Semi-dedicated Servers

The semi-dedicated plans that we are offering will permit you to employ Varnish as soon as your brand new semi-dedicated server account has been created, as the platform is available by default. 64 MB of system memory will be allocated to Varnish the moment your account is enabled, so you can take advantage of this workload distribution software once you launch your site. In case you are in need of more system memory, you can get 32 megabytes at a time from the Upgrades section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and it will be assigned to your semi-dedicated server in a flash. You can also increase the number of the Internet sites that use Varnish, or the so-called ‘instances’, which are not linked directly to the amount of system memory that you use, which goes to say that you’ll enjoy more versatility. The Varnish caching platform will immensely lower the load on the semi-dedicated server generated by your sites, so your site visitors can enjoy fast-opening web pages. You will be able to manage Varnish effortlessly from the Control Panel using fast-access controls. You’ll be able to start/shut down any of the instances that you’ve got, to delete the cache for any of your sites or to check system log files.

Varnish in Dedicated Servers

In case you order a dedicated server with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you’ll get Varnish at no extra charge and you’ll exert total control over it through an extremely time and effort saving interface – you will be able to start, to delete or to restart an instance, to view a detailed system log, to clear the cached files for any website and much, much more. The Varnish caching platform will have several gigabytes of memory at its disposal, so even if you have resource-demanding Internet sites with a vast number of visitors, you will notice the substantially better site loading speeds and the decreased load on the dedicated machine. This will become a fact shortly after you start using Varnish, as it will require some time to cache the pages that users open. You can get the most out of the platform’s capability if the Internet sites that are using it also use a dedicated IP, but owing to the fact that your server includes several IP addresses by default, you will not have to pay anything on top of your monthly charge for the machine itself.